
Addiction Recovery News

Benefits of Drug Detox in Gilbert, Arizona: A Fresh Start for Summer

As summer approaches, many of us are looking for ways to cleanse our bodies and minds, preparing for the warmer months ahead. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is through a drug detox. 

In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of drug detox in Gilbert, Arizona, and how it can help you or a loved one start anew this summer.

Choosing the Right Arizona Rehab for Addiction

As the month of May brings warmer weather and a renewed sense of motivation, it's the perfect time to take control of your life and seek help for your addiction struggles. With so many Arizona rehabs for addiction to choose from, it's crucial to find the right one that caters to your unique needs and sets you on the path to a successful recovery. 

Discover top Arizona drug rehab options for a fresh start this May. Explore residential centers, outpatient programs, and specialized facilities for the best fit.

As we welcome the beautiful month of May, it's the perfect time for a fresh start. If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, seeking help from an Arizona drug rehab center can be the life-changing decision you need. In this guide, we'll explore various rehabilitation options in Arizona to help you make an informed choice and begin your journey towards recovery.

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As the flowers bloom and the days grow longer, spring is a time of renewal and growth. For those struggling with addiction, it can be a season of reflection and hope. If you or someone you love is seeking help for substance abuse issues, faith-based drug rehabs can provide a unique approach to healing. In this blog post, we'll explore the power of faith-based drug rehabs in Gilbert, Arizona, and how they can help you embrace recovery this spring.

In the 2021 NSDUH survey, 49.3% of full-time college students from ages 18­ to 22 reported drinking alcohol in the previous month. Around 27.4% reported binge drinking within the past month. College drinking is considered by many students as a rite of passage. Many others see it as just a typical feature of social life for young people more generally. Of course, there is a darker side to binge drinking by students. The hazards of habitual binge drinking often lead to severe lifelong consequences. When such a situation develops for a young person, alcohol addiction treatment may be needed.

Contact Renaissance Recovery Center for information about overcoming alcohol addiction for young adults.

U.S. College Drinking Statistics

Many students may not make the connection between alcohol abuse and binge drinking. The latter may seem like a normal and harmless part of the college experience. But, here are some eye-opening statistics reportedly associated with college drinking in the United States:

  • In 2019, nearly 1 in 10 full-time college students had alcohol use disorder (AUD).
  • Nearly 700,000 students from ages 18 to 24 are assaulted each year by other students who have been drinking.
  • About 1 in 5 female students are sexually assaulted during their college years and most of the attacks involve alcohol or a drug.

Why Do College Students Binge Drink?

The majority of college drinking is social and is considered, overall, to be just a part of college culture. But, more concerning habits of binge drinking involve a desire for some form of mental or emotional relief, such as to curb anxiety. In those cases, binge drinking is more likely to lead to more serious and lasting consequences. Those can include the development of alcohol addiction requiring AUD rehab treatment. 

Among the most common reasons college students drink are: 

  • Coping mechanism
  • Mood enhancement
  • Anxiety relief
  • Tension relief
  • Relieve academic pressures
  • Relieve the pressures of daily living
  • Reduce stress
  • Relieve inhibitions
  • Feel more comfortable in social settings
  • Experiencing pushing boundaries
  • To fit in with peers
  • Changeup their current routine
  • Social camaraderie

What is Considered Binge Drinking, and What is AUD?

These definitions clarify the difference between binge drinking and alcohol use disorder

Binge drinking: This is a drinking pattern in which a person continues drinking and his or her blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is 0.08%. That usually takes about 5 drinks within two hours for men and about 4 drinks in that timeframe for women. 

Problem drinking: Binge drinking or other habitual drinking becomes problematic if it is negatively impacting the individual at work, home, socially, emotionally, or physically. AUD is understood as a brain disease that can range from moderate to very serious, even fatal. If the habit has advanced from casual drinking to an inability to control or stop drinking, the person has developed AUD.

Frequently Asked Questions About Binge Drinking and AUD

How much alcohol is binge drinking? 

Binge drinking is defined by a pattern of activity more than by the amount of alcohol a person drinks at a given time. It’s a pattern of continuing to drink while the BAC is 0.08%. 

Is binge drinking alcohol abuse? 

Yes, drinking excessively is abusing alcohol. 

Does binge drinking make you an alcoholic? 

No. Binge drinking is narrowly defined as a pattern of continuing to drink, while the BAC is 0.08%. But, binge drinking can lead to alcoholism.

Taking Back Your Life – Renaissance Recovery Center

You do not have to try to overcome AUD alone or feel helpless in your struggle to regain control of your life. Our experienced team of alcohol addiction treatment specialists knows how to help you through the process of recovery from AUD. Keep in mind — we're here for you 24/7.

Call Renaissance Recovery Center at (480) 526-7738, or reach us here online for help with a rehab program combining therapeutic medication and talk therapy.

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What Happens When You Mix Drugs and Alcohol - Treatment Center in Arizona

What happens when you mix drugs and alcohol?

Alcohol and drugs used together often lead to the need for emergency medical treatment. Both illicit street drugs and prescription drugs, especially pain medications and stimulants, are widely used with alcohol in the United States. There are health and safety risks in abusing just alcohol or a strong drug without mixing the two. But combining alcohol and drug use can be dangerous. Even some drugs that may seem harmless when taken with alcohol can lead to serious health consequences, even death.

Drug & Alcohol Outpatient Treatment Programs And Services in Arizona -

If someone close to you is struggling with alcohol addiction, you may be worried about how to talk to him or her or you may feel like there’s nothing you can do. But, there are ways to be effective helping an alcoholic. Here is some guidance on how to help an alcoholic stop drinking, with emphasis on ways to talk to someone with an alcohol-use disorder (AUD) about getting professional treatment for the addiction.

Signs and Symptoms of Drug Use - Teens Using Drugs

The effects of drug abuse on the life of the user can be devastating. If you are worried about a peer or family member declining due to substance abuse, it can help to know the signs of drug use. Recognizing a likely case of drug abuse may help someone who is heading toward addiction. When the physical and behavioral signs of drug use are overlooked, drug abusers can end up in very serious situations. Those can include financial ruin, illegal activities, legal problems, driving while under the influence, job loss, failing in school, and other bad outcomes.

How to Recognize Warning Signs of Drug Use

General signs of drug abuse are common across most forms of drug abuse. People who are exhibiting one or more signs in one or more of these observable areas of their persona may be abusing drugs. Signs that drug users tend to have in common include:

  • Behavioral changes
  • Physical changes
  • Cognitive changes
  • Psychosocial changes


Depressants, including prescription drugs, are often misused by people to self-medicate in attempts to control depression, grief, feelings of guilt, or cope with external circumstances. Examples of frequently abused stimulant drugs include Vicodin, GBH, Xanax, Valium, and many others. Signs of using drugs, including depressant drugs, may include:

  • Poor concentration
  • Pupils contracted
  • Seeming intoxicated
  • Poor balance
  • Poor judgment
  • Speech slurred
  • Excessive sleep


Stimulant drugs are commonly used to produce an exaggerated sense of happiness and excitement. Examples of frequently abused stimulant drugs include cocaine, amphetamines, and others. Key signs that can help you recognize signs of stimulant drug use may include:

  • Hyperactive
  • Euphoric
  • Pupils dilated
  • Irritable
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Lack of appetite
  • Excessive weight loss
  • Dry mouth and nose
  • Anxiety


Examples of popular hallucinogenic drugs include LSD, PCP, THC, and others. Key signs that can help you recognize abuse of stimulant drugs may include:

  • Confusion
  • Aggression
  • Dilated pupils
  • Hallucinations
  • Slurred speech
  • Paranoia
  • Mood swings


Marijuana stays in the body for a relatively long time. Recognizing these signs of marijuana abuse can help you be aware of times when someone at work, school, or home may be under the influence:

  • Lethargy
  • Lack of coordination
  • Memory impairment
  • Inability to focus
  • Weakened sensory perceptions
  • Slowed reaction time
  • Poor decision-making
  • Loss of interest in activities
  • Withdrawal and self-isolation


The majority of emergency room visits involving illicit drug misuse are due to cocaine use (reportedly about 40%), Key signs that can help you recognize cocaine abuse may include:

  • Hyperactive
  • Pupils dilated
  • Mood swings
  • Social self-isolation
  • Reckless behaviors
  • Nose running
  • Nosebleeds
  • Talkativeness
  • Sleep changes
  • Loss of appetite


Heroin and other opioid drugs are very popular street drugs for recreational use. Key signs that can help you recognize heroin abuse may include:

  • Pupils contracted
  • Pupils nonresponsive to light
  • Coughing and/or sinus problem
  • Needle marks on the body
  • Sweating
  • Sleeping at odd times
  • Vomiting
  • Twitching
  • Loss of appetite

Common Signs of Most Types of Illicit Drug Abuse

You may have noticed that some or all of the drug classes and individual drugs listed above share some behavioral and physical signs of drug use in common. These are some of the most common signs of substance abuse that are common to misuse of drugs across various drug types:

  • Declining personal hygiene
  • Risky or reckless behavior
  • Poor performance at school or work
  • Glassy or bloodshot eyes
  • Poor physical coordination
  • Poor concentration
  • Delayed reactions
  • Making poor decisions
  • Lying or hiding personal information
  • Excessive unexplained absences

Drug Addiction Treatment – Renaissance Recovery Center

Renaissance provides state-of-the-art personalized outpatient treatment for substance use disorder (SUD). We offer rehab programs for adults who are struggling SUD and those with the co-occurring disorders of drug addiction and mental illness. Our therapeutic strategies help our clients overcome self-defeating habits in thinking and behaviors. We help people improve their physical and mental health and strengthen the particular skills and abilities needed to live free from drug dependency.

For more information on the signs and symptoms of drug use and treatment for SUD, call Renaissance Recovery Center at (480) 526-7738, or contact us here online!

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Growing up with an alcoholic father can be a very confusing, frightening, and sorrowful experience for children. There are many potential negative effects on children’s mental, emotional, and physical health from living with an alcoholic parent. Here is some essential information about the shocking impacts on children from living with an alcoholic father.

Effects of an Alcoholic Father On a Child

Being raised in a home with an alcoholic father can adversely impact children in many ways. (The effects of alcohol on children in cases of alcoholic mothers can be even more profound.) For example, children of alcoholic parents can experience:

  • Increasing and continuing emotional difficulties
  • Problems coping, for example:
    • Depression
    • Anxiety
    • Difficulty connecting with people
    • Confusion
    • Embarrassment
    • Anger
  • Behavioral issues, for example:
    • Social withdrawal
    • Truancy
    • Substance abuse
    • Stealing
    • Violent behavior
    • Suicidal behavior
  • Frequent physical symptoms, such as:
    • Headaches
    • Stomach aches
  • Increased premature mortality:
    • Suicide
    • Violent death

Are Alcohol Abusers Likely to Abandon or Abuse Children?

Data indicates that alcohol abuse can damage a person’s brain, behavior, and relationships. There may be a higher probability of physical abuse or neglect, or sexual abuse. Alcoholics may repeatedly abandon their families, causing children repeated suffering throughout their formative years. For kids with alcoholic parents, the home may be disorganized or chaotic, creating an environment of instability, insecurity, neglect, violence, physical abuse, and exposure to incidents of abuse or violence inflicted on other family members.

Lasting Effects on Adult Children of Alcoholic Fathers

If you have looked back on growing up as a child with an alcoholic father, you may still suffer the serious impacts of that experience. You may recognize the effects that those early years have had on your life. Perhaps you have continuing psychological or emotional problems that are linked to your childhood circumstances. A first step to healing is to recognize that some effects that an alcoholic father can have on your life do not necessarily stop after childhood.

Adult children of alcoholic fathers can struggle with ongoing social and emotional problems. For example, anxiety, low self-esteem, resentment, communication difficulties, relationship problems, anger, and others. Alcoholism in a parent may account for a genetic component that amounts to about half of a person’s risk for alcohol addiction.

Getting Help Healing from the Effects of an Alcoholic Parent

If you think you may be experiencing symptoms of mental or emotional effects from your childhood with an alcoholic parent, discuss your concerns with a professional. You and your loved ones may benefit significantly from your choice to get the right kind of help to overcome the often lasting severe effects on children in that situation.

Resources for Children of Alcoholic Parent

There are nationwide resources for children of alcoholic parents, including these, among numerous others:

  • National Association for Children of Addiction
  • Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACA)/Dysfunctional Families
  • The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
  • Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline 1-800-4-A-CHILD (1-800-422-4453)

Best Alcohol Treatment – Renaissance Recovery Center, Gilbert AZ

Renaissance Recovery Center provides a free assessment for adult children of alcoholic parents who may be suffering from mental health effects from that early experience. Or, if you believe that you have developed an alcohol addiction, don’t wait. Call us for help today. Our team of professionals works with adults affected by childhood with an alcoholic parent to identify and overcome the often life-long impact of living in extreme conditions through their formative years.

For information on treatment for anxiety, depression, and other conditions, Renaissance Recovery Center at (480) 526-7738, or contact us here online today!

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What Is Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome - Outpatient Treatment Center in Arizona

Detox from an addictive substance usually involves a brief period of physical difficulty called acute withdrawal. This process can cause severe, even potentially fatal consequences to a person if withdrawal is not managed by experienced detox professionals. After going through the acute withdrawal phase, an additional period of persisting withdrawal symptoms occurs. This second phase of healing is called post-acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS).

What is Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome?

Post-acute withdrawal syndrome can set in after acute withdrawal. It may persist from a few months to as long as two years. The syndrome is outwardly characterized by difficult psychological and physical symptoms. Typically, those effects require support from substance addiction treatment professionals. For the highest likelihood of lasting success, people planning to enter detox and rehab should be prepared in advance to work through the PAWS phase of drug withdrawal.

Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome Symptoms

Some of the most common symptoms of post acute withdrawal syndrome after detox include:

  • Acute stress sensitivity
  • Extreme mood swings
  • Poor physical coordination
  • Fluctuating energy levels
  • Anxiety
  • Inability to focus
  • Obsessive thinking
  • Depression
  • Sleep difficulties
  • Lack of ability to feel pleasure

What Causes PAWS?

Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS) is due to changes in neurotransmitters brought on by the brain’s response to substance addiction, in which it attempts to adapt itself to the changes.

  1. When a person stops using an addictive drug, the neurotransmitters undergo changes again, which may overstimulate or agitate the individual mentally and emotionally.
  2. Habitual substance use over time can cause the brain to lose some of its capacity for managing stress.
  3. The withdrawal experience can impact the stress-coping capacity of the brain.

The persistent symptoms of PAWS appear to be due to these changes in the brain. Medical science researchers have suggested that these are the same changes that cause increased levels of tolerance during the user’s period of habitual substance abuse.

How Long Does PAWS Last?

Post acute withdrawal symptoms may persist up to as long as two years. The length of the PAWS phase of substance withdrawal varies based on the person’s health, the type of drug used, how long it was used, and the way it was consumed. PAWS symptoms sometimes reach their point of greatest intensity at around the six-month point and can even threaten efforts to avoid relapse. Typically, PAWS is likely to persist longer in a person who:

  • Used the substance habitually over a long period.
  • Consistently used large amounts or frequent doses of the drug.
  • Consumed drugs by injecting or snorting.
  • Has liver or kidney issues.
  • Is older and has more limited physical resilience.

How to Treat and Manage PAWS

The rough symptoms of post acute withdrawal syndrome can cause a sense of despair in people struggling to avoid resorting to relapse for relief. It’s critical to understand that the PAWS symptoms will stop eventually. These are the steps to coping with and overcoming PAWS that people in substance addiction recovery need to adopt in order to best avoid relapse:

  • Build strong coping skills in rehab.
  • Continue in treatment longer.
  • Build a strong support system while in rehab.
  • Avoid situations that present a high risk of relapse.

Why Choose Renaissance Recovery Center?

If you or someone you love needs alcohol support or is suffering from post acute withdrawal syndrome, Renaissance Recovery Center in Gilbert, Arizona, can be of great help. Our relapse prevention systems have made Renaissance one of the region’s most effective substance addiction treatment programs. We accept most health insurance.

If you need PAWS to support, don’t just try to endure on your own.

Get the best help available to you!

Call Renaissance Recovery Center at (480) 526-7738, or contact us here online to schedule a free assessment today and find out how we can help you!

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What Our Clients are Saying

Before I found Renaissance, I was completely lost and had no idea where to even begin. In my own words, I was feral—overwhelmed, terrified, and drowning in emotions I didn’t know how to manage. But the moment I walked through the doors of Renaissance, everything began to change. The unwavering support of the staff and my fellow group members helped me start healing the parts of myself I thought were gone forever, buried by trauma and addiction. What I quickly learned is that I didn’t have to do it alone—in fact, that’s exactly what not to do.The staff at Renaissance is deeply committed to this fight. They don’t just care; they walk alongside you every step of the way. Since making the life-changing decision to enter the program, my world has transformed in ways I could never have imagined. I am forever grateful for the Renaissance community, (especially Daisy🐶) and the incredible growth and healing they have helped me achieve. Renaissance truly saved my life, and I can’t recommend it enough for anyone who is battling any addiction.
McKenzie Cooper
McKenzie Cooper
04:05 02 Oct 24
Renaissance Recovery was a godsend to our family in a time of crisis. Their compassion, dedication, and deep knowledge of addiction and recovery was evident in every aspect of the program that was a salvation to my family member. Their intensive group program and individual counseling elicited honesty and dealt with past trauma, to give my family member the tools and insight and solid footing on their path to recovery.The openess and compassion of the family group meetings and invitation to participate in counseling sessions as desired kept me involved, hopeful, and supported as I healed in my recovery. Their dedication to after care and commitment to be there for clients and family to support any future recovery needs is a great comfort as we move forward in our lives.The Renaissance strong legacy of hope and recovery is evident in their program graduation ceremonies and alumni AA meetings, and open door to family members of past clients.We are filled with gratitude to be in this circle of hope and recovery created by Steve, Lindsey and the Renaissance team.
Joe R
Joe R
17:40 21 Sep 24
Does this place accept 17 year olds with a marijuana addiction
Brayden Scarpa
Brayden Scarpa
23:18 29 Aug 24
Just when I felt hopeless from a life of addiction, I found this place! The staff truly cares and save lives! I’m proud to be part of the Renaissance Family! I couldn’t imagine life without them, I thank them from the bottom of my heart for everything I’ve learned from them! Life is Beautiful! I strongly recommend this place to anyone that’s ready to make the move!
Zachary Frago
Zachary Frago
20:07 05 Jun 24
As the spouse of someone who has been in long-term recovery for 11 years, thanks to Renaissance Recovery Center, I can't recommend this program enough. While my partner was battling addiction, I felt lost and unsure how to best support them.That's when I discovered Renaissance Recovery Center's friends and family program. For 18 months, I learned invaluable tools and gained a deeper understanding of co-dependency and how to navigate the complexities of addiction recovery. It wasn't just about supporting my partner; it was also a journey of self-discovery. Steve, the program leader, is an absolute gift. His expertise and genuine compassion create a safe space for growth. He masterfully guides families through the recovery process, not just focusing on the addict but on the entire support system.This program transformed my life. I learned how to set healthy boundaries, prioritize my own well-being, and ultimately, become a happier person. Today, I am eternally grateful for the positive impact Renaissance Recovery Center has had on both our lives.If you're seeking a spiritual and holistic approach to addiction recovery for yourself or a loved one, look no further than Renaissance Recovery Center. It's a life-changing experience.
Daisy Loves Hunter
Daisy Loves Hunter
23:30 29 May 24
The work being done at RRC is life changing. I was NOT a fan at first. Went there kicking and screaming. After a little bit Steve and his staff's teachings really started to reach my heart and those dark places in my mind. While I cannot say I was a star student, now, several years removed, I am still recounting some of the teachings and tools I learned there at RRC. I am sober and my relationships, job and life are better than ever. Steve you were and remain a blessing to me and my family.
Rick Lane
Rick Lane
20:06 16 May 24
This place helped save my family member. That family member has tried close to a dozen other places for over a decade with minimal success. The staff here helped create a community they could connect with and a structure to do the actual work of recovery. It allowed them to dive into the recovery process in safe but effective way, not judging, and leaving NO room for excuses.Update on my family member, a little over one year after entering the program they are now over one year sober, thriving in their career, in a stable relationship, and have grown in multiple ways. The road to recovery is life long, but they are on a solid path forward. My family will forever be in the debt to the good people at Renaissance Recovery Center.
Sterling King
Sterling King
22:38 10 May 24
Steve Brown is a very experienced and professional clinician in this specialized area of treatment! I would highly recommend him and the Renaissance Recovery program.
Angie Smith
Angie Smith
03:18 23 Apr 24
The program at Renaissance is amazing. Steve Brown and his staff care for and support not only the recovering addict but the family as well. The family group that is offered to family members throughout the program makes such a difference. We don't have the family and life we have today without the help of Renaissance. I can't recommend this program enough.
Cortney Pacatte
Cortney Pacatte
20:44 04 Apr 24
I can’t say enough about this place. This place and the amazing people that make it up helped save my life. It was the absolute best thing I could have done for myself. My life and my family are so much happier and healthier because of Steve and his crew. Kindest man ever. ❤️ Thank you to all of you at Renascence Reccovery
Jenn “J lo. Ve” Lorts
Jenn “J lo. Ve” Lorts
05:45 30 Mar 24
If you are at all feeling lost or defeated in your struggle with your addictions, Renaissance Recovery is for you. The staff and environment are unmatched when it comes to true healing and recovery. Please do not hesitate to reach out, you will find yourself in one of the most loving and helpful environments possible with people who have been where you have been. There is hope! Don’t give up!
Sammie Lish
Sammie Lish
05:07 30 Mar 24
Renaissance is everything and more when it came to my recovery. Steve, Dan, Nils, Chad & Lindsay are the real deal. They care about you, they care about your well being, they care about you untangling and un-rooting what causes us to use.I was a highly functioning alcoholic for the better part of 20+ years and through their guidance I was able to dig deep, self reflect through their teachings to understand that I didn’t have to hold onto my personal shame, turmoil, anger, anxiety and every negative adjective that describes what we go through as addicts and was able to work through and release that pain so I didn’t keep running back to the bottle. They saved my life and I mean that literally. I had the pleasure of making some great friendships and create a brotherhood with some of the men I was in recovery in as well and we are active in our community still and it all stemmed from Renaissance.Thank you Steve for everything. Phenomenal leader who leads with love (but not weak) and truly cares about you and helping you lift every burden that we’ve carried for all those years. I’m forever grateful.
03:39 30 Mar 24
Renaissance Recovery saved my life. I was at a point in life where alcohol to my body was as essential as air, and I couldn't stop. I was powerless over alcohol. My body was failing and my relationships with family, friends, and coworkers was crumbling. Out of desperation for help, I found Renaissance Recovery with an online search and decided to just make a call. I felt like it was my last call for help at that point. I was immediately greeted with love and compassion with an urgency to help me. Throughout my recovery at Renaissance Recovery I learned how to change my life. At 43 years old, my life now is completely different to how I lived before. I've learned how to be open and honest, how to build and maintain meaningful relationships, to find gratitude and joy in every moment of life, and how to fill my life with happiness. A lifelong weight was released from my shoulders when I finally got to the point in the recovery process of accepting that I was powerless over alcohol and understanding and doing what was needed to live a happy life while maintain sobriety. The program at Renaissance Recovery works! You just need to be willing to do the work they outline for you and be willing to participate. It's a miracle what they've put together here. It not only saved my life, but the lives of my children, not having to grow up with an alcoholic father. I am 641 days sober today and this is the happiest I've ever been in 43 years. My health is good now and my home is full of love and stability. I literally owe my life to Renaissance Recovery, that is how impactful they have been to my life. If you are struggling with a drug or alcohol addiction, this program is THE solution to help you get your life back. The people at Renaissance Recovery are my family now, I have developed life-long friendships from there, that is how connected you become through the program. Thank you Renaissance Recovery!!!
Jake W
Jake W
21:43 29 Mar 24
Renaissance Recovery Center helped me so I could heal and get back to the real me. I can honestly say they saved my life. Steve is very caring and compassionate and loving and he and his team are there to help you get back to being a whole person again. All of the staff was and is wonderful. Alumni are really encouraged to take advantage of RRC’s active ongoing healing community. I hope I can make it to the next graduation!
Jason Ferguson
Jason Ferguson
21:13 29 Mar 24
This place has aided me in achieving one of my greatest accomplishments in life. They have helped me to live my best life, and offer me the hope of a promising and sincere future. I did not know that such positivity and hope existed in this world, and my only regret is that I did not contact them sooner. I am forever grateful to the staff and alumni from this place. I could not recommend a place more than Renaissance for those seeking sobriety and hope.
seth ellis
seth ellis
21:44 12 Mar 24
Steve Brown at Renaissance Recovery Center in Gilbert is amazing!!! Compassionate and caring! Goes over and beyond for people!!!
Tajma Palma
Tajma Palma
17:51 16 Dec 23
I love this place and the people who run it. They really care about you and not your wallet like other places. Connection for life when you attend is a real thing.
Eric Nitzsche
Eric Nitzsche
00:55 13 Dec 23
I Highly Recommend This Program for anyone needing assistance with potential addiction issues in and around Gilbert, AZ! I have known Steve Brown for over 25 Years and he is the absolute best at quickly responding in Assessing and Treating anyone with Alcohol &/or Drug Use Problems in your area!
Bill Ford
Bill Ford
21:25 11 Dec 23
Going to Reinassance Recovery was the best decision I made for my recovery. From the first call I made to Steve to my aftercare graduation, Reinassance Recovery has been a foundation to my life today. I met a group of women in the IOP program who have become my best friends today. The accountability and support I found in there, was really what changed and saved my life. The therapists are great and we're always available when I needed anything, whether it be a letter for court or just someone to talk to. Reinassance Recovery will always be home away from home for me. Forever grateful for this program and their staff.
Emily Powell
Emily Powell
21:19 09 Dec 23
The first time I encountered Renaissance Recovery, I was not willing to let go of the way I chose to live my life, even though I was dying a slow death. I did not think that I was worth anything more and I had no hope. The second time I encountered Renaissance Recovery, I stayed and completed the program! And because of the program and ALL the staff...I KNOW today that I am worthy of my beautiful life, Renaissance Recovery, has given to myself and my daughters! And I have HOPE on a daily basis!
23:00 08 Dec 23
Renaissance Recovery is the real deal! They get down to causes and conditions and use a compassionate approach to effect change. I’ve known Steve Brown for over 17 years, and his loving influence showed me I was worthy of change and a life of long term recovery.
Richie-Convalesce Wilson
Richie-Convalesce Wilson
21:10 05 Dec 23
The men running this program are the real deal. Very competent in treating substance use disorders. Very experienced staff. Steve helped my brother find himself and heal. For that I am grateful. Keep on keeping on guys.
Preston Dixon
Preston Dixon
20:15 03 Dec 23
I will attempt to describe in words what Renaissance has meant for me in my life. People that truly care about you as a person and about your recovery. The ability to connect and uncover the real pain that may have led you astray in life. If you’re struggling with substance abuse, I would recommend a place that can start you on the path to true freedom and inner peace, that place is Renaissance! The level of care provided is life changing. If you’re in a tough place, looking for a way to dig yourself out, look for a place with the people who not only have the expertise in the field but who you can call family
20:30 11 Sep 23
Graduate of this IOP and 20 months sober. The thoroughness of the program delved into the core of me and helped me find myself again. I strongly recommend Renaissance Recovery. Steve holds you accountable and keeps you in his heart like family. He has helped me and my family multiple times. He is just a phone call away. If you need help, this is where you need to be.
Ana Buzan
Ana Buzan
18:36 28 Jul 23
Just over six months ago, I realize that my life was a complete mess. Being chemical dependent and carrying so much shame and guilt. It caused so many issues in my life. I tried doing it on my own so many different times I couldn’t even count. It greatly affected my family life, my marriage, my work life and was damaging myself and loved ones around me. I searched a couple other IOP‘s and actually attended one out in Mesa, I’ll keep them disclosed, but I can’t share my experience there. It seemed as if I was just another number there.My mother had done some research though on Renaissance and told me to reach out to them so I set up an appointment and came in and met with Stephanie. From immediately walking in the front door through intake process I felt that I had found the right place already. She was so kind and comfortable to talk to and was confident that I could get the help that I needed there. She was so right. I started group the next week and boy was I in for. A wonderful experience! Steve and Dan ran groups in such a different way than I’ve ever experienced, and truly showed their passion and care For their clients here! I was able to also get therapy through Lindsey there who was amazing and helping me deal with all my buried shame and guilt so that I could be free of the chains that kept me tied to my chemical dependency. They also offered on weekends. Back to basics a 12 step program which I took and was able to get through the steps in five weeks to find freedom. Dan and Steve are trust worthy people that I am so grateful to have found and I can’t leave out Mills who help me stay accountable with drug screenings. I can truly say that these people are my forever family. I know their recovery and how to walk people through difficult times in their life to find freedom from their hurts habits and hang ups in life. Much love, Graham.
Graham Gilbert
Graham Gilbert
17:05 30 Jun 23
This place saved my life. I completed a 3 month outpatient program at Renaissance after a 6 year meth addiction. This was my first rehab experience. Steve, Dan and the other amazing staff created an environment that allowed me to be honest and expose my truth (for the first time in my life) allowing us to get to the root of my trauma and then carefully have been helping me rebuild a new life of sobriety. The program doesn’t end after your outpatient program is complete, they continue to provide support through meetings and events. My gratitude runs deep and I love these people.
Brad Smith
Brad Smith
22:38 06 Jun 23
The group at RRC is outstanding. You will learn to access a solution to fix things in your life that feel upside down. Steve and the rest of the crew are dynamic in helping you steer the ship in the right direction. Sail on my bros!
John Durkin
John Durkin
02:38 26 May 23
Renaissance is a game changer!! It was the greatest move I have ever made. At 53 years old and lifetime of abuse I was sure nothing would change me; I thought my situation was unique. I started IOP with an open mind and as I grew more and more my life started to get clearer. I have over 10 months now and going strong. Renaissance saved my life and gave me hope. Thank you!~James R
James Ronzoni
James Ronzoni
22:23 27 Jan 23
These folks seriously do the lords work. I've been to a few treatment places, and none made me actually convinced that the staff cared about me the way Rennisance did. They helped me stay safe, they are there any time you need to call, the facility is open and designed to just use as a hang out spot outside of sessions. Pool table and everything! I learned most of my strongest recovery tools here. I've got 11 months and some change of sobriety now, and I owe so much of that to Rennisance.
laurel oxenborg
laurel oxenborg
06:34 25 Jan 23
Steve brown is a WEALTH of knowledge… having personally dealt with both addiction to substances AND mental illness. We have looked into many resources and feel that Steve has a greater understanding than any other resources we have found. He is incredibly generous with his time and truly is in this work to heal and help those struggling with addiction. Is a heaven sent that we found him and the resources offered at renascence ranch AZ.
Stephanie Eastman
Stephanie Eastman
23:02 17 Nov 22
Renaissance Recovery is an empathetic, loving, supportive, realistic and holistic breath of fresh air in the valley's recovery community. Each employee that works there has your success and support as their number one goal. For those looking for hope, answers and solutions there is no finer establishment. I have witnessed absolute miracles happen in the rooms at Renaissance. Don't over think it.......give them a call! 🙏
Craig Owens
Craig Owens
21:03 14 Oct 22
As a treatment provider, I’ve been aware of Renaissance Recovery Center for many years. I know Steve both personally and have worked with him professionally. I would highly recommend this program to anyone needing help with substance use challenges. Renaissance is caring, compassionate, and committed to providing the highest level of treatment. The team is experienced and uniquely skilled. They will always put the needs of each person first. If I need to make a referral in the Phoenix area, Renaissance is at the top of my list. If you need help, don’t hesitate to call Steve. Renaissance Recovery Center does it the right way.
Mike Brown
Mike Brown
00:54 13 Oct 22
Steve is an absolutely remarkable guy! I felt I got more benefit after a 30 minute assessment than I have from other providers in a very long time. His foundation is clearly built upon the genuine care and concern for those he serves, and his understanding and support for those in recovery is beyond reproach. Thank you!
Stephen Connolly
Stephen Connolly
19:22 17 May 22
Having known Steve Brown for many years, and seeing his dedication to the service of those struggling with addiction and life disruptions, I know he and his team are dedicated to helping anyone searching to move from difficult times towards a more inspired and purposeful future. This is a place to re-design your future!
Bruce Jackson
Bruce Jackson
18:36 15 May 22
There are 2 kinds of life savers. Those lil circular mints and renaissance recovery center. One freshens your breath, the other freshens every aspect of your life!! Everything about this place is top notch. From the facilities where groups are held, down to couches in the lobby and everything in between. There are no words for how incredible the staff is. From the first intake call on the phone down to your last graduation ceremony where not only the whole staff from RRC comes to support you, but the lifelong friends you make throughout your journey. I’ve done my fair share of treatment programs. This one tops them all. With that being said, I WILL NEVER BE BACK…as a client!! But you can bet your circular mint chewin’ beehind that I’ll be back every week for the alumni meeting!! Let’s get. Renaissance on 3!1…2…3!RENAISSANCE!!!!!
Sean Hornbeck
Sean Hornbeck
01:31 11 May 22
I have been in touch with Steve for a few months now. All I can say is that if you or a loved one are struggling with addiction there are people who will understand you, and when I called this place for the first time I finally felt understood. Addiction is complex and if you have concerns, one phone call can change your life. Start having a conversation. Don’t suffer in silence. Educate yourself about addiction and all it’s complexities. It starts with you and this place will help you.
Erin Ware
Erin Ware
17:30 07 Feb 22
Absolutely hands down the epitome model of what real caring for individuals with addiction looks like. This is not a run of the mill experience with just a clinical look but with a deep understanding of addiction and what recovery looks like. Caring, compassionate, highly effective program that comes with support that is above and beyond after graduation.
Paola Palacios
Paola Palacios
20:57 17 Dec 21
It is seldom that in a hard time you think you will gain from the experience, but because of this phenomenal center that is exactly what I got. Learned so much about myself as well as learned I’m not alone in my struggles. I made lifelong friends that walk beside me through it all and I with them. The staff is beyond compare! They’re there for you through thick and thin. They honestly and truly care with love understanding and respect. Zero guilt pushed just genuine looking out. So happy I chose this path with these amazing people.
Joshua Kelben
Joshua Kelben
16:40 16 Dec 21
Highly recommend!! 5 stars!!! Great staff who took the time to get to know me. They have a lot of experience in this field and have first hand experience with what I was going through. IOP is outstanding and really built up a ton of great relationships and found this program to be a ‘breath of fresh air’. They got a lot of love and empathy and will always go the extra mile to help their clients!When I first called Renassaince Recovery to ask some questions, someone locally answered and spent time with me just talking. No big admissions call center! I knew this was place for me after that first call!I encourage anyone reading this, if you think you have a problem and need help Renaissance Recovery is a safe place and will change your life! Their program works… if you make the decision and take suggestions.
17:02 24 Jul 21
I want to say thank you so so much to Steve. Thank you doesn’t truly express my gratitude. I called Renaissance as a broken-hearted grandmother to my grandson. We just found out at 22 years old he has Alcoholic Hepatitis. We had no idea he was even drinking. Steve calmed me down where I felt cared about and understood. I am so grateful that I have hope for a complete recovery for my precious grandson. Thank you and may God continue to Bless you and your staff.A Crenshaw
World Marketing Group
World Marketing Group
17:20 09 Jul 21
I was introduced to Renaissance Recovery Center in June of 2020 when my husband decided to join their IOP program. As a spouse of someone who has battled addiction of all sorts for our entire 18yr relationship, I was not very convinced that this program would change anything but he was so sure this was where he needed to be so I agreed to it. I am so thankful that I chose to support my husband and his decision to partake in this program because it completely changed our life for the better. For the first time since we were 18yrs old, I finally saw the man I fell in love with coming back to life. This program, Steve, Dan, Lindsay, Nils and many of the men that my husband met in this group truly saved his life and our family. Ryan just celebrated 8months sober from everything and on 2/17/21 he celebrates 1 yr sober from opiates ( which was his achilles heel) Renaissance took the time to invest in Ryan and Ryan gave his all to Renaissance and the outcome of this relationship is one that changed his course in life for the better. Ryan finally got down to the core of why he did things that he did and learned how to cope in different ways which led him back to a much stronger relationship with God and a core group of men that he continues to grow with and support throughout their individual recoveries. I am forever grateful to Steve and Lindsay especially as they played such a HUGE ROLE in helping Ryan deal with all his trauma and addiction. If you or someone you love struggles with addiction, I highly recommend Renaissance!! I have never seen anyone more genuine in their calling to help others as what Steve and his team are to the individuals in their programs. Thank you for saving my family and showing Ryan what it means to LIVE a full and meaningful life outside of addiction.
Ashley Wisniewski
Ashley Wisniewski
16:23 16 Feb 21
"Sick and tired of being sick and tired". "Wanna get clean and sober but don't know how". These were my thoughts to myself before coming to Renaissance in June of 2020. Renaissance was literally a God-Send for me and my family. I had struggled with addiction(s) for almost 20 years and it was destroying my life. I did a lot of research about different programs but ALWAYS kept coming back to Renaissance for some reason. After my initial call with Steve I understood why right away. The team is truly one of a kind and the family atmosphere is felt right away. Steve, Lindsay, Dan, Chad, and Nils all will forever have an impact on my life. The thoughtfulness, caring, genuine emotional support, and knowledge that they provided and gave to me is exactly what I was looking for in a program. Words can't express what their program did for me and the gift of recovery/sobriety that they helped me gain for the 1st time in almost 20 years. I will always be in recovery and with their help and support I have a GREAT foundation and tools to work with to continue what they started from here on out. From the bottom of my heart (My wife and soon to be 4 boys hearts) I/we say THANK YOU for helping me get my life back and so much more!!Ryan Wisniewski
Ryan Wisniewski
Ryan Wisniewski
21:05 04 Feb 21
I came to Renaissance bruised and battered by my own doing. Monday, January 4, 2021 is my last day of IOP. I now look back and see how different of a person I am. This is thanks to Chad, Dan, Steve, and Nils (and team). These men are the epitome of compassion, passion, and love (true Agape). I bonded with each and every one of them as they work tirelessly to help bring recovery and peace to us all. I have met amazing brothers in this program. I will never forget speaking to Steve on the morning of September 8, 2020. He immediately took me in as one of his own (he called me "brother", which had such a profound impact on my soul). I could feel his love and I knew immediately that this was my message from God (whom I was without for many years). I look forward to being in the aftercare program. I feel as though these gentlemen are an extension of my family. I am forever grateful for everything they have taught me and for helping me to become the better man I am today.
Pod Luthier
Pod Luthier
18:20 31 Dec 20
At first I was hesitant to start recovery because I didn’t feel my addiction was as severe and I thought I could overcome Alcoholism on my own. Once I started with Renaissance I immediately felt surrounded by people who genuinely cared about me as a person and wanted to help me along my journey to recovery. I quickly realized that this was the right place to receive the help I needed to recover and that I couldn’t do it on my own. They gave me the necessary support and helped me realize that I couldn’t overcome my addiction by myself. They allowed me to dig deep into what would trigger me to drink and helped me to understand more about myself and the reasons I was drinking. I felt educated about this disease and it made me realize I wasn’t alone in my recovery. I feel like a new person and it gave me power and confidence to move on and be myself again. Steve and Chad helped me to open up and admit that I needed to do this for myself and I couldn’t do it for others. During group meetings I felt comfortable and connected to other people going through the similar situations. It enabled me to express my struggles and feelings about this addiction that I had never shared with anyone. Before coming to Renaissance Recovery, I did not open up or trust people as I do now and it has allowed me to build closer relationships with family and friends. I would highly recommend the Renaissance team because they truly provide an individualized experience and care about every person that comes through their door.
James Dangelo
James Dangelo
18:12 27 Jul 20
Renaissance is an incredible establishment!! Every single counselor will get to know you, and help you with your own personal struggles. I’ve never met more caring people in any other recovery program. This is the first time that I have truly been confident in my recovery and have began to understand the process! Almost one year sober and the counselors still check in on me! I can’t say thank you enough to Steve, Lindsay, Dan, and Chad! You guys are amazing!!
Jamie M
Jamie M
00:29 24 Jul 20
A very professional and experienced staff with many years in the Addiction business. They focus on the solutions for their clients, approaching each on an individual basis with individual treatment plans. Their staff truly CARES about everyone that they work with. I would highly recommend this facility for anyone that is truly seeking sobriety.
HR Brown
HR Brown
21:02 02 Mar 20
Fundamental to my recovery are qualified counselors especially Steve Brown and treatment centers as effective Renaissance Recovery Center. I am in long term recovery through your efforts!
Nils Johansson
Nils Johansson
16:44 17 Dec 19
Finding Renaissance Recovery Center was a Godsend for our family! My daughter was in a safe and supportive environment that helped her succeed in her recovery. The staff are amazing...Chad, Lindsay and Steve, I can't say enough about about what they do. They're a Family, and they treat not only their clients as family but all the rest of us that are involved and going through this our loved ones!!
Nani Pickell
Nani Pickell
02:23 14 Nov 19
I would highly recommend Renissance! It’s a family that you never knew you had or needed. They saved my life and I am forever grateful.
Dominique Hylton
Dominique Hylton
04:00 04 Sep 19

Accredited, Proven Outpatient Drug Addiction Treatment and Alcohol Abuse Rehabilitation Programs

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OUR MISSION: To promote healing and wellness for the suffering addict, their families, and others struggling with psychological and emotional challenges; to provide care within an environment of safety, respect and regard for each individual.

Renaissance Recovery Center
459 North Gilbert Road Suite B-140
Gilbert, AZ 85234
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Phone: (480) 526-7738

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