Healing is possible for the addicted. Chemical Dependency is a progressive illness which damages virtually every area or the addict's life. Many need intensive help to overcome the causes and effects of addiction. At Renaissance Recovery Center, we are committed to providing the resources which are proven to put this disease into remission. Our specialized treatment experience will help you or your loved one along the path of recovery. What is the Renaissance Recovery Center Difference?
Our Philosophy
To help the addicted and afflicted heal through evidence and faith based solutions. We understand that spirituality is a very personal issue. We utilize gospel-centered principles as part of our curriculum; but never at the expense of sound clinical practice, and always with respect to the values, beliefs and desires of every client. Renaissance Recovery Center is committed to providing emotional, psychological and spiritual healing to our clients and their families. We meet people where they are, empowering them to find their path to recovery.Our Approach
At Renaissance Recovery Center we provide a customized treatment experience for every client. Our program is designed to be more personal and intimate. From the time of first contact, you’ll know that devoted and caring recovery experts are working in your best interest. We are not a large, one-size-fits-all program. Our specialized approach to treatment promotes a recovery experience based upon closeness, connectedness and community.Our Staff and Skill Set
Our therapists are Masters level counselors with extensive experience treating the disease of addiction and related mental health issues. We are also actively engaged in our own personal recoveries from addiction and codependency. Many programs use people in recovery who lack counseling credentials and skills; others use counselors who may not understand the therapeutic nuances of addiction recovery and mental health. At Renaissance Recovery Center, we integrate personal experience and professional skill to provide specialized addiction recovery care.Our Commitment
Renaissance Recovery Center is committed to the continued recovery of every client. We provide ongoing services designed to support long-term sobriety outcomes. As people utilize these resources, they can realize success in recovery within a community of friends and families.We are also committed to helping everyone we meet find the best possible care. For many, finding the right service or program can be confusing. Renaissance Recovery Center will work for you to find the most appropriate resources to meet your needs; whether with us, or through our vast network of providers. From first contact, you'll be working with a caring professional who will act in your best interest.