One of the biggest lies that addicts tell themselves is that they can overcome their drug and/or alcohol abuse alone. They tell themselves that they don’t need anyone else. This is simply not true. It is vitally important that an addict tells their significant other about their addiction so that they can receive the proper help that they need to recover. Here are a few steps that will help you tell your partner about your addiction, in order to start living a happier and healthier life now.
Admit to yourself that you have an addiction.
Admitting the problem to yourself is the first step towards recovery. In order to progress, admit that you need help with this addiction and that you cannot do it alone. Trust that your partner cares enough for you that they will want to support you through this.
Admit to your significant other that you have an addiction.
There is no sure way of knowing how your significant other will respond to the news that you have a drug and/or alcohol addiction. However, admitting to them that you do have an addiction is a huge stepping stone in building trust in your relationship, and potentially bonding the two of you closer. Sit your partner down, and genuinely tell them that you need their help. This will allow your partner to see your sincere desire to change. Though you might not be able to see it now, if you and your partner take the right steps toward treatment, this can ultimately help you strengthen your relationship.
Be open and honest with your significant other.
Honestly opening up to your significant other and making yourself vulnerable to them can allow your partner to help you in the recovery process. In order to receive well-rounded therapy and support, family members must be involved in the recovery process. Addiction can almost never be conquered without the support of the loved ones around you. Be honest with your significant other, and realize that vulnerability opens to the door to recovery.
Furthermore, there are many ways that significant others can help an addict to start down the road of recovery. If the significant other of an addict does not know how to respond to the news of addiction, many addiction recovery programs include some sort of family therapy to help teach significant others and family members the importance of positive reinforcement. The gentle assurance of loved ones is essential during this difficult journey of recovery, and it is important to never underestimate the power of a loved one’s support on this journey towards a better life.