Approximately 56% of those with bipolar disorder in one national study also reported drug or alcohol addiction at some point in their past. Understanding bipolar disorder in the context of substance abuse addiction recovery takes a special skill set. Renaissance Recovery Center in Gilbert, AZ, has qualified and licensed therapists with experience treating dual diagnosis clients.
If you need substance abuse disorder and bipolar disorder treatment, our addiction recovery programs can help.
Bipolar Disorder Symptoms
Bipolar disorder symptoms vary depending on the type of disorder you have. Common symptoms include hypomania, mania, and depression, including erratic mood swings.Symptoms of the major forms of bipolar disorder include the following:
Bipolar I
You may have bipolar I disorder if you go through alternating manic and hypomanic or depressive states. In some cases, this triggers a psychotic break. Mania encompasses feelings of elation, extreme talkativeness, and self-importance. You may also feel impatient, impulsive, irritable, and sleepless. Hypomania describes elevated energy levels in less extreme proportions than mania.Bipolar II
If you have had at least one depressive and one hypomanic episode without having a manic episode, you may have bipolar II disorder.Cyclothymic Disorder
This disorder describes clients with two years of cyclical hypomania symptoms and depressive symptoms. In children, the diagnosis follows one year of hypomania symptoms.Other Types of Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar disorders can arise due to certain drugs or alcohol and medical conditions such as multiple sclerosis or Cushing's disease.Bipolar disorder occurs at all ages. However, many clients receive a diagnosis in their late teens or in their 20s. Integrated drug and alcohol addiction recovery and bipolar disorder treatment effectively address both issues.
Detecting the Signs of Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar disorder can be difficult to identify, especially in people who abuse drugs or alcohol. The extreme mood swings caused by this psychiatric disorder can resemble the highs and lows that individuals experience during periods of intoxication or withdrawal from substances. By the same token, substance abuse can intensify the highs and lows of bipolar disorder, making it hard to know whether these mood swings are chemically or psychologically induced.The changes caused by bipolar disorder are much more drastic than the mood swings that average adults experience throughout their lives. Although these fluctuations may follow certain patterns, they often strike in unpredictable ways, leaving the individual feeling out of control. Similarly, loved ones, coworkers, or acquaintances may feel helpless when confronted by these dramatic changes in the individual’s personality.
Treating Depression And Addiction
Rehab centers in Arizona mutually address both, bipolar disorder and chemical dependence. In the past, those with both conditions received separate treatment. After receiving addiction treatment, clients used to go to a dedicated mental health treatment centers for bipolar disorder treatments. At Renaissance Recovery Center, we believe that integrated treatment yields the best results for successful long-term recovery.We believe the most effective treatment for bipolar disorder and substance abuse includes the following elements:
- Centralized care in an addiction rehab center.
- Collaborative care from addiction counselors, psychologists, and dual diagnosis professionals
- Psychotherapy to help manage emotions and decrease the risk of relapse
- Psychiatric evaluation for medication to manage mood swings
- Peer group support from other clients battling a dual diagnosis
Understanding bipolar disorder starts with designing bipolar disorder treatment that simultaneously addresses substance abuse in an addiction rehab center.